

60 años respondiendo a las necesidades de los consumidores en un mundo de problemas globales


Consumers International es el mejor ejemplo del trabajo en equipo, del grito compartido, de la búsqueda de soluciones concretas a problemas globales, y tras 60 años en un mundo tan complejo solo nos queda desde la Confederación de Consumidores y Usuarios de España (CECU) felicitar a CI, a todos los que han tenido alguna responsabilidad en estos 60 años y a los que siguen confiando en su labor, pues el único camino para defender de verdad a las personas en su faceta de consumidora y usuaria es trabajando conjuntamente, apoyando a las entidades que más dificultades tienen para trabajar en países conflictivos, con pocas libertades…, y fomentando la transparencia junto con la creciente participación de las asociaciones de consumidores en los órganos de consultivos donde se adoptan decisiones.

Gracias, Consumers International. Siempre encontraréis en CECU un aliado, una organización amiga que ayude en la defensa global de miles de millones de consumidores.

Fernando Móner

Presidente CECU

60 years anwering to the needs of consumers in a world of global problems

At the beginning of this century I had the honor of actively participating in the decision making of Consumers International as a member of its Council. Without any doubts, this task not only contributed to gather impressive experiences related to the consumer protection, but also to exercise consensus between people from different countries, continents, cultures and traditions. As a result, I grew as a person and my values grew with me. I wish they could take these experiences as an example in politics! They illustrate what makes Consumers International the global reference not only in consumer and user protection, but in the wide scope of organized Civil Society.

Consumers International is the best example of team work, of a shared rising voice, of the search for specific solutions to global problems. After 60 years in such a complex world, all that remains from the Spanish Confederacy of Consumers and Users (CECU) is to congratulate CI and everyone who has had any level of responsibility during these 60 years and those who still trust CIs work. The only way to truly defend people on their consumer sphere is to work together, supporting the entities that face the greatest difficulties, such as conflictive countries with lack of freedom, and promoting transparency along the growing participation of consumer associations in the advisory bodies where the decisions are taken.

Thank you, Consumers International.  You will always find an ally in CECU, a partner organization to help in the global defense of thousands of millions of consumers.


Fernando Móner

Presidente CECU

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